Pricing and using SUMNER's Price Estimate Form
Customers can choose from SUMNER's range of special finishes priced from as little as
$130 per m2+GST.
Most projects will also require adhesives and other components, which is why we recommend filling out the helpful form below to estimate the overall cost. Prices are displayed on screen but may also be printed. We endeavour to capture all relevant costs including components, freight, and installation.
The two measurements you will need to enter are:
- 1) Square meters (without waste as the quote will calculate this for you).
- 2) Vertical lineal meters of external corners (eg columns or walls which return back)
Your quote will have a revision
number added at the end.
example: 3333-1
Project Specific Pricing
Don't hesitate to get in touch with our office if you have project-specific pricing requirements. Plans for pricing can be emailed to our office:
We endevour to have pricing back to our clients within 7 working days.